Wednesday, December 12, 2012


  • Aku udah kelas 9, udah tua.
  • Sebenernya kelas 9nya udah lama juga sih, sekarang ini pas aku lagi nulis pas UAS, udah akhir semester 1.
  • Alya semakin lama semakin bodo. Apakah ini efek aku mulai beralih dari kutu buku kelas kakap menjadi mesin karaoke berjalan? Entahlah.
  • Sekian, terimakasih
Nah, karena aku dah kelas 9 itu aku bingung. Alya dengan posting informal di dalam blog ini menyatakan RAGU MASUK SMA MANA. Alya Kamila yang sudah bersarang di BMD sejak TK sampai sekarang, SMP kelas 9 memasukkan SMA negri kedalam pertimbangan, dan benar-benar dipertimbangkan dengan sangat-sangat masak.

Kalian mungkin melihat Alya sebagai 'BMD Sejati' yang selalu mendukung BMD kapan pun dan dimana pun. Nggak pernah aku sekolah di sekolah lain selain BMD (catatan: aku gak playgroup, aku gak inget pernah playgroup). Nama Alya Kamila itu benar-benar sudah melebur bersama BMD.

Nah, sekarang giliran udah SMP mau masuk SMA yang akan mempengaruhi perguruan tinggi, aku benar-benar mempertimbangkan SMA mana. Karena SMA sangat mempengaruhi perguruan tinggi mana yang bisa kumasuki. Untuk jurusan sih aku masih tambah bimbang lagi, tapi paling nggak, I'd like to keep my options open.

SMA BMD itu SMA yang seru. SMA yang sejak dari sulu SD aku pingin banget kesana. SMA dengan sistem belajar 'BMD' yang aku udah srek dari dulu dan banyaknya acara ke luar negri yang aku seneng banget ikut. SMA dengan kelas GAC yang bisa mendapatkan sertifikat internasional yang memungkinkanku keterima perguruan tinggi di luar negri. Masalahnya BMD itu belum dikenal sebagai sekolah anak pinter dan ratingnya masih lebih rendah daripada SMA negri sasaranku. Karena rating rendah itu, kemungkinan aku keterima perguruan tinggi lewat jalur undangan itu susah. Jadi, jalur kuliah kalau aku SMA BMD adalah ke luar negri. Nah, kalau kuliah di luar negri harus kerja di luar juga, berarti aku harus ganti kewarganegaraan dan SELAMANYA tinggal di luar negri._.

SMA negri sasaranku itu kalo gak 3 ya 8. Udah itu aja, gak mau aku nek yang gak jelas gitu malah aneh. SMA negri itu gak enak pertama pake rok yang gak se-fleksibel celana. Rok juga memaksa kita harus selalu duduk lady-like seperti di film Princess Diaries. Jadi, selamat tinggal duduk ngangkang ala angkringan. Terus, sistem pembelajaran aku yakin pasti beda banget sama BMD. Lebih strict (apaan strict kayak Mr. Ipank aja-_-). Aku takutnya nanti aku kaget terus trauma terus jadi psycho atau skizofrenia terus tau-tau mbunuh orang tapi aku gak sadar terus dimasukin sel isolasi. Oke berlebihan. Tapi SMA negri apalagi dengan rating yang tinggi, bisa dengan sangat-sangat memudahkanku masuk perguruan tinggi negri manapun di seluruh Inndonesia. Nah, itu yang aku sebut 'I'd like to keep my option open'. Plus, SMA Negri bisa dengan sangat mudah mbolos dan area membolosnya tu lebih luas daripada BMD yang pol-pol bolos cuma ke Jojo.

Kalian pasti tahu kan kenapa aku posting curhatan gini? Alya Kamila gak akan pernah posting curhatan labil macam ini kalau dia gak benar-benar bingung. Jadi, aku cuma minta kalian sebagai pembaca setia yang heterososial memberi pendapat yang sejujur-jujurnya. Alya akan dengan sangat senang memasukkan pendapat kalian sebagai pertimbangan. Sekian, terima kasih.

Friday, December 7, 2012

20 White Thorny Roses with A Velvet Touch of a Luscious Red

Ini semacam comeback ku ke blog. Udah lamaaaa banget aku gak nulis. Udah hampir 1 semester ini aku gak nulis apa-apa di blog. Jadi, aku mau masukin aja puisiku yang udah tak bikin berbulan-bulan di memo HPku. Puisi romansa ini memang jelek nan mewek, tapi gak tau kenapa aku bangga banget sama puisinya. Here it goes.

2 and 1
2 become 1
What once 2 becoming 1
In a holy sacred matrimony

As shadow shades and fades
The hours began to slow its pace
Trapping me behind its hand
I am beyond the time
I am untouched by time
I am the man of time
I am timeless

They say I'm the greatest magic of all
When clock strikes twelve I shall
Gone and never come back ever again
Shall make you kneel and beg
Drowning you by my power
Drowns in a hypnotizing sea of mine
You are completely and perfectly mine

Fiery passion gets to control
All you desire is me
Me, and only me you desire
Whispering my name all night long
Velvet touch of your luscious lips touches
Around and around like the spring butterfly
Yes I know, I am lusty and clear

Overwhelmed by ours
Drunken of ours
Kaleidoscope eyes of ours
Hypnotized by ours

The daybreak creeps with curse
Thousand light beam impulse

In a second I was blind
What once vibrant now forever blind
In a second I was deaf
What once loud now forever deaf
In a second I was numb
What once fiery now forever numb
In a second I was shut
What once lust now forever shut

Idly on the wheel of grey
Goes forever on the same
Staring at sky of white
Goes forever on the same
Nothing besides me
Goes forever on the same

How clear it seems now
All my pain and sorrow
I was choked
Reality choked
Hides beyond the shocked
Slither and slaughter
With tears and laughter
Whispers of a nameless fear

Days of torture
Days of bitter
Are endless

There i am laying bright
Under the moonlight's spotlight
Beam of white gasps
Continuously unforgiving slaps
I lived in reality now
Swept my feet oh so slow
Pass the sun, flower, leaves, and snow

Shades of white
With a glimpse of an eye it was light
Ready for a flight
Get set on your wings to flap
Flap your wings harder each time
Keep flapping until you see land of white
Land of peace and serenity
Land of joy and happiness
land of promise
Land of you

Look at my last sunshine
Sound of my last heartbeat
Taste of my last lips kissed
Smell of my last scent
Feel of my last breath taken away
The End

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cherry Belle Plagiat SNSD? SNSD Aja Plagiat

Posting ini dalam rangka emergency data terbaru dari Youtube dan kecemasanku akan plagiarism.

Pertama kita bahas plagiarism dulu. Jadi itu pokoknya intinnya macam-macam menyontek atau mengkopi atau bahasa susahnya plagiat. Yang mau aku bahas adalah plagiarism dalam bidang seni musik. Yang namanya seni itu pasti harus orisinil agar si pembuat mendapatkan eksistensi dari karya seninya. Lantas kalau si pembuat sendiri plagiat, apakah ia akan mendapatkan eksistensi? Ya mungkin, ia akan mendapatkan eksistensi dari orang-orang yang wawasannya kurang.

Menjadi seorang seniman harus penuh dan PENUH akan kreativitas, setuju? Jadi, para artis yang plagiat adalah artis dengan tingkat kreativitas dibawah artis yang ia plagiati, oke? Masalah ini udah kelar.

Nah, kalian tau banget kan kalo aku nggak suka sama K-Pop. Masalah pertama kenapa aku nggak suka K-Pop tu sebenernya simpel banget,

MEREKA OPERASI PLASTIK!*lihat posting K-Pop dan Semacam-Macamnya

Masalah musiknya sih selera, aku masih oke-oke aja sama beberapa lagu. Tapi ternyata musiknya mereka aja plagiat.

Kronologis aku nemu di Youtube itu gini. Aku kan lagi bosen terus dengerin lagu-lagunya Gwen Stefani. Pas aku nyari Hollaback Girl, aku nemu video tentang lagu The Boys nya SNSD yang plagiat lagu Hollaback Girl nih videonya:

Terus aku jingkrak-jingkrak nemu ini. Aku kayak mau teriak kena lo gitu ke SNSD. Aku puas banget!
Nah, aku mulai nyari-nyari plagiarism K-Pop lainnya.

Nah, terus kapan itu ada temenku pernah bilang lagunya Lady Gaga yang Born This way copy lagunya SNSD, ternyata aku dah nemu closure nya.

Jadi, pas itu dia bilang gini, Born This Way itu plagiat lagu SNSD. Terus aku mikir apa iya sih hit single Lady Gaga plagiatnya ke SNSD? Ternyata, bukan ke SNSD, tapi ke Madonna. Tapi kalo kalian denger sendiri lagunya Madonna yang ini beda sama Born This Way. Lagipula Lady Gaga pernah ngaku kalo dia memang ngefans sama Madonna.

To all K-Popers,

Silahkan dipelajari videonya satu-satu :D

Love, Alya

Friday, June 29, 2012

I Want You to Read! Not Checking it Out, Read Dammit!

Let's make it clear shall we? I don't like to put a lots of picture in my posts, that's it.

Wonders why?

I want people to really reads my posts not scrolling the page quickly. If a blog is judged by only its appearance and pictures in it, then it's not fair, right? I thought blogger is a place for people to write, once again WRITE. To write about their life, quotes, or everything. If you like to check out pictures, you could go to deviantart, facebook photos, or google images, right?

Besides, there's nothing wrong about spending more time to read something you really interested in, right? I love to write and I want people to be interested in my writing. If you have any critics or input to my writing skills, you could contact me or comment below.

Thank you for your understanding.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Girls Will Be Girls

Jadi ini hari Jumat. Hari yang paling kubenci dalam seminggu. Pertama, dresscode sekolah hari Jum'at itu pake kerudung. Iya aku tau, kerudungku yg instant/anti galau, tapi tetep aja kerudung itu membuat semua cewek keliatan kalem dan kurang rebelius seperti aku pada hari biasanya. Kedua, Jumat ini beda, lebih weng. Jadi, kan ada ujian PAI suruh wudhu, shalat, ngaji, sujud-sujudan gitu, suruh pake sendal jepit sama bawa Al-Quran! Kurang sok alim dan pesantren gosong/kebakar apa coba! Sangat menipu, Bung.

Nah, inti ceritaku di Hari Jumat Keramat ini adalah pas istirahatnya. Aku beli paket kenyang berupa tekita, sego kucing, sama bakwan. Kita menjajah satu blok meja angkringan yang deket pak Dartin Timberlake. Di meja itu kita lamaaaa banget ngobrol-ngobrolnya. Dan yang kita obrolin gosipan semua! Mulai dari yang serius-seriusan dan agak mengerikan sampai kenang-kenangan Semanu. Semuanya seruuu banget!

Yang mau aku omongin itu tentang 'menggosip'. Menggosip atau dengan bahasa kerennya ngerumpi sering disamakan dengan mengumbar aib orang lain atau membicarakan orang dibelakang. Akuilah, kalian semua, paling nggak yang cewek pasti pernah ngerumpi kapaaan aja. Ya, aku ngaku ngerumpi itu emang seruu banget.

Tapi juga kayak agak kontroversial gitu. Seumur-umur aku di sekolah selalu diajarin nggak boleh nggosip. Tapi apa yang akan cewek lakukan kalo nggak nggosip? Dan, gimana aku bisa mematuhi aturan aneh itu kalau guru yang ngajarin aja juga sering nggosip.

Girls will always be girls. Gini, apa yang cowok lakukan di waktu luangnya bersama temen-temen? Main. Main bola lah, game center lah, sepedaan lah, pokoknya main. La cewek mau ngapain? Main bola nggak bisa, panas juga bikin item -_-. Main game nggak dong ngapain dafuq banget rasanya. Sepedaan oke masih bisa. Tapi disetiap aktivitas cewek rasanya kurang lengkap tanpa nggosip. Akui sajalah kalau faktanya cewek tu nggak bisa lepas dari nggosip. Girls will be girls as boys will be boys

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Question Nine: Always. Continuously. With increasing apprehension and decreasing hope.

I will love you with no regard to the actions of our enemies or the jealousies of actors. I will love you with no regard t the outrage of certain parents or the boredom of certain friends. I will love you no matter what is served in the world's cafeterias or what game is played at each and every recess. I will love you no matter how many fire drills we are all forced to endure, and no matter what is drawn upon the blackboard in blurry, boring chalk. I will love you no matter how many mistakes I make when trying to reduce fractions, and no matter how difficult it is to memorize the periodic table. I will love you no matter what your locker combination was, or how  you decided to spend your time during study hall. I will love you no matter how your soccer team performed in the tournament or how many stains I received on my cheer-leading uniform. I will love you if I never see you again, and I will love you if I see you every Tuesday. I will love you if you cut your hair and I will love you if you cut the half others. I will love you if you abandon your baticeering , and I will love you if you retire from the theater to take up some other, less dangerous occupation. I will love you if you drop your raincoat on the floor instead of hanging it up and I will love you if you betray your father. I will love you even if you announce that the poetry of Edgar Guest is the best in the world and even if you announce that the work of Zilpha Keatley Snyder is unbearably tedious. I will love you if you abandon the theremin and take up the harmonica and I will love you if you donate your marmosets to the zoo and all your tree frogs to M. I will love you as the starfish loves a coral reef and as kudzu loves trees, even if the oceans turn to sawdust and the trees fall in the forest without anyone around to hear them. I will love you as the pesto loves the fettuccine and as the horseradish loves the miyagi, as the tempura loves the ikura and the pepperoni loves the pizza.I will love you as the manatee loves the head of lettuce and as the dark spot loves the leopard, as the leech loves the ankle of a wader and as a corpse loves the beak of the vulture. I will love you as the doctor loves his sickest patient and lake loves its thirstiest swimmer. I will love you as the beard loves the chin, and the crumbs loves the beard, and the damp napkin loves the the crumbs, and the precious document loves the dampness in the napkin, and the squinting eye of the reader loves the smudged print of the document, and the tears of sadness love the squinting eye as it misread what is written. I will love you as the iceberg loves the ship , and the passengers love the lifeboat, and the lifeboat loves the the teeth of the sperm whale, and the sperm whale loves the flavor of naval uniforms. I will love you as a child loves to overhear the conversations of its parents, and the parents love the sound of their own arguing voices, as the pen loves to write down the words these voices utter in a notebook for safekeeping. I will love you as a shingle loves falling off a house on a windy day and striking grumpy person across the chin, and as an oven loves malfunctioning in the middle of roasting a turkey. I will love you as an airplane loves to fall from a clear blue sky and as an escalator loves to entangle expensive scarves in its mechanisms. I will love you as a wet paper towel loves to be crumpled into a ball and thrown at a bathroom ceiling and an eraser loves to leave dust in the hairdos of people who talk too much. I will love you as a cufflink loves to drop from its shirt and explore the party for itself and as a pair of white gloves loves to slip delicately into the punchbowl. I will love you as a taxi loves the muddy splash of a puddle and as a library loves the patient tick of a clock. I will loves you as a thief loves a gallery and as a crow loves a murder, as a cloud loves bats and as a range love braes. I will love you as misfortune loves orphans, as fire loves innocence and as justice loves to sit and watch while everything goes wrong. I will love you as a battlefield loves young men and as a peppermints love your allergies, and I will love you as the banana peel loves the shoe of a man who was just struck by a shingle falling off a house. I will love you as a volunteer fire department loves rushing into burning buildings and as burning buildings love to chase them back out, and as a parachute loves to leave a blimp and as a blimp operator loves to chase after it. I will love you as a dagger loves a certain person's back, and as a certain person loves to wear daggerproof tunics, and as a daggerproof tunic loves to go to a certain dry cleaning facility, and how a certain employee of a dry cleaning facility loves to stay up late with a pair of binoculars, watching a dagger factory for hours in the hopes of catching a burglar, and as a burglar loves sneaking up behind people with binoculars, suddenly realizing that she has left her dagger at home. I will love you as a drawer loves a secret compartment, and as a secret compartment loves a secret, and as a secret loves to make a person gasp, and as a gasping person loves a glass of brandy to calm their nerves, and a glass of brandy loves to shatter on the floor, and as the noise of glass shattering loves to make someone else gasp, and as someone else gasping loves a nearby desk to lean against, even if leaning against it presses a lever that loves to open drawer and reveal a secret compartment. I will love you until all such compartments are discovered and opened, and until all the secrets have gone gasping into the world. I will love you until all the codes and hearts have been broken and until every anagram and egg has been unscrambled. I will love you until every fire is extinguished and until every home is rebuilt from the handsomest and most susceptible of woods and until every criminal is handcuffed by the laziest of policemen. I will love you until M. hates snakes and J. hates grammar, and I will love you until C. realizes S. is not worthy of his love and N. realizes he is not worthy of the V. I will love you until the bird hates a nest and the worm hates an apple, and until the apple hates a tree and the tree hates a nest, and until a bird hates a tree and an apple hates a nest, although honestly I cannot imagine that last occurence no matter how hard I try. I will love you as we grow older, which has just happened, and has happened again, and happened several days ago, continuosly, and then several years beforethat, and will continue to happen as the spinning hands of every clock and the flipping pages of every calendar mark of passage of time, except for the clock that people have forgotten to wind and the calendars that people have forgotten to place in a highly visible area. I will love you as we find oursleves farther and farther from one another, where once we were so close that we could slip the curved straw, and the long, slender spoon, between our lips and fingers respectively. I will love you until the chances of us running into one another slip from slim to zero, and until your face is fogged by distant memory, and your memory faced by distant fog, and your fog memorized by a distant face, and your distance distanced by the memorized memory of foggy fog. I will love you no matter where you go and who you see, no matter where you avoid and who you don't see, and no matter who sees you avoiding where you go, I will love you no matter what happens to you, and no matter how I deiscover what happens to you, and no matter what happens to me as I discover this, and no matter how I am discovered after what happens to me happens to me as I am discovering this. I will love you if you don't marry me. I will love you if you marry someone else--your co-star, perhaps, or Y., or even O., or anyone Z. through A. even R.--although sadly I believe it will be quite some time before two women can be allowed to marry--and I will love you if you have a child, and I will love you if you have two children, or three children, or even more, although I personally think three is plenty, and I will love you if you never marry at all, and never have children, and spend your years wishing you had married me after all, and I must say that on late, cold nights I prefer this scenario out of all the scenarios I have mentioned. That, Beatrice, is how I will love you even as the world goes on its wicked way.

The Beatrice Letters (LS to BB #5) by Lemony Snicket

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Ya, aku mau ngomong tentang umpatan. Aneh emang, tapi aku pingin ngomong tentang ini dulu, oke sayy?

Coba deh sebutin umpatan sebanyak-banyaknya!

Oke, pasti kalian udah dapet paling nggak lebih dari 10 ya nggak? nggak

Sebenernya umpatan tu apaan sih? Beneran aku masih nggak dong. Kalo menurutku sejauh ini umpatan itu kata-kata dengan arti tertentu yang dianggap tabu dan tidak boleh dikatakan dimana pun. Ya bukan? Aku tau kata-kataku mbulet kayak benang bundet tapi coba dong-dongin lah.

Kalo aku sendiri sih menurutku termasuk orang dengan penggunaan umpatan pasif. Maksudku, aku jarang mengumpat. Well, nggak bisa dibilang nggak pernah, aku pernah tapi nggak terlalu "nyeh" gitu. Paling pol-polnya aku cuma ngomong asem, sialan, dodol, sama bodo. Itu kan bukan termasuk umpatan stadium tinggi, jadi menurutku nggakpapa-nggakpapa aja. Yang menurutku termasuk stadium tinggi tu semacam-macam asu, lonte, bitch/son of a bitch, fuck/motherfucker, dsb. Nggak tau kenapa, aku nggak pernah merasa nyaman pake kata-kata umpatan stadium tinggi. Aneh aja rasanya, nggak 'PW'. Apalagi yang pake bahasa Inggris, terkesan sok tau artinya apa aja. Ya aku tau artinya apa, tapi tetep nggak enak.

Tapi gimana kalo aku bilang kata umpatan itu relatif. *Berasa Einstein~*

Maksudku relatif tu ya tergantung cara pake katanya itu. Yaaa, digunakan dalam konteks yang berbeda. Dengan digunakan di konteks yang positif, kata umpatan mungkin jadi terdengar lebih normal.

Asu: Bejo nduwe asu wernane ireng.
Lonte: Pasar kembang kuwi tempat mangkale lonte-lonte.
Bitch: My bitch has just given birth to 5 puppies

Ya, itu contoh-contoh penggunaan kata umpatan dalam konteks yang positif. Jadi, plis eh, aku bener-bener nggak enak rasanya denger orang ngomong umpatan, apalagi orang indonesia yang pake umpatan bahasa Inggris.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Best Place to Have A Quiet Time

If you're my fans, you would know that my mood lately is blue. Though I love the color blue, metaphorically I mean I'm kinda depressed. Don't ask why, because I don't know.

The best place to have a quiet time, the best place to think, to get emotional, to connect to your soul is TOILET!

Toilet, yes, I really do mean toilet. maybe you feel kinda awkward reading this post but that's fine, don't read it.

You can think so many stuff just by sitting on the toilet for quite a time to get that transcending feeling. Toilet really is magical, proven by my personal experience which I refuse to tell you because it get blurred out.

Something I really love doing in the toilet is crying. Crying is somewhat your shame, I mean no one thought crying is good, right? To tell you why, I made up some some lines of poem about it :D

Tears come streaming down your face
Down your red snobby face
Matches your red runny nose
Sobs per 5 seconds
Cry you little baby, cry

So, I ran away
Ran away to this magical land of poop
No, not the shits, the aura of it
The smell of flowery perfume
Cool and damp, perfect
Wet, even more perfect

Why here?
I don't know

Maybe they can't hear me with the flush symphony going on
Maybe they can't see me with the solid wooden door surrounds
Maybe they can't smell me with the flowery perfume atmosphere
Maybe they can't touch me with the wet and damp water around
Disgusted, they say

Tadaaaaa, that's my somewhat-well-written poems about crying in the toilet. You should try it sometimes, it's fun!

Monday, April 16, 2012


Yeah, I want to write about how people used to forgot little things that makes life great. I know, it sounds very girly and childish and just absolute awkwardness B-). But I used to think them in my spare times, especially when I got that wanting to suicide feeling. I'm kinda depressed lately, maybe it best if I just die, right. Oh god, I need chocolate, stats! Well, chocolate helps your body produce endorphin which is a chemical blah, blah, blah. You really don't want to know, right? Here goes nothing

  • Friends  are forgotten treasure that no one knows how important they are. I'm not the forever alone kind of person because I have lots and LOTS of friends. They're the one that's there everywhere, every time. They're there when you're sad, when you're happy, when you're mad, even when you're angry at them. They're not for sale. I mean, friendship is not for sale. You can't buy friendship. They come naturally into your life, just let them in.

  • Family is something everyone love and cherished about. Your parents raised you to be like this right now with their blood and sweat. They give us education at its best. They literally give us life. Without them we'll be nothing. Absolute nothingness. As nothing as a dust on the corner of your room.

  • Love is an abstract concept to grasp as abstract as its importance. This is the most crucial thing as it's the most mushy and girly thing. Without it, we're nothing. It doesn't have to be love over gender like boyfriend or girlfriend. It's just love. That's why I don't want to process this topic any further because it's too abstract. You may love someone not because of his/her appearance, intelligence, or even kindness. Sometimes, it's just love.
So far I can only think of those 3. I know, I didn't write as my usual style. This post is too mushy and you may not think it's me. Believe it, it really is me. It's the other side of me. The mushy, delicate, fragile side as I would like to call the hideous side.

Just thought of those three overnight and you'll change. You'll have more respect and will be more grateful to your life. Life is not that bad, right?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Childrens are Our Future

Ini postingan serius tentang moralitas masyarakat Indonesia.

Jadi gini, tadi aku kan ada kondangan di Graha Sabha. Biasanya kalo kondangan tu orang-orang lebih mendingin makanannya daripada salim-saliman nggak jelas sama pengantennya. Makanannya kondangan yang ini emang epic proportion banget sih. EPIC! Es krimnya tu yang pake mesin terus keluarnya spiral-spiral gitu, kayak es krim McD lah. Ada Crepes dari Villa Crepes. Ada Chicken Sandwich yang jos, enak banget! Zupa soup yang biasanya jadi andalan semua kondangan malah nggak laku, tersaingi sama es krim dll.

Nah, ini bagian nyesek. Jadi aku ngantri Crepes udah lebih dari 15 menit. Lamaaaa banget, mana kalo udah dapet, dapetnya kecil pula. Ya, aku kan masyarakat Indonesia yang taat peraturan dan tidak asal nyelip.Pas aku udah di depan, ada ibu-ibu menor nggilani gitu tau-tau dateng dari belakang masnya yang masak bilang gini,"Mas, minta 3 ya!" Mungkin karena muka ibunya yang garang, mas crepesnya langsung ngasih crepes yang baru hangat dari penggorengan 3. Aku udah panas ini, telinga udah merah semerah-merahnya. Belum puas manasin telingaku, ibu menor itu pake bilang gini pula,"Aku males kalo ngantri e."


Aku muak dengan semua tata krama yang diajarkan orang tua. Apaan mereka, sok-sok paling tau malah yang pertama melanggar peraturan. I know, I know,  bukan merupakan peraturan tertulis 'mengantri' itu. Tapi, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, hormatilah orang yang mengantri duluan! Gini lo, orang tua kan panutan anak-anaknya sedangkan anak-anak adalah generasi masa depan kita dimana masa depan Indonesia bergantung. Jadi, kalo misal masa depan Indonesia ancur, jangan salahin pemerintah/ orang-orang yang menjalankannya, salahkan orang tua! Apalagi orang tua yang ancur kayak ibu-ibu menor itu.

Pesan untuk orang tua, atau orang tuaku sendiri deh kalo misal tau-tau mbaca ini: Jadilah panutan yang baik bagi anak-anak kalian. Karena, anak-anak adalah masa depan bangsa, jadikanlah anak-anak yang memiliki tata krama dan hati nurani untuk berbuat baik.

 Anak berbudi pekerti baik= Masa depan ceran untuk Indonesia

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kutu Buku

Langsung to the point aja ya

Somehow, aku jadi kutu buku, LAGI!

Oke, dulu aku pernah melewati masa-masa maniak sama buku, kelas 3-6. Pas itu tu, aku bener-bener addicted sama buku. Dimana-mana mbaca, sambil jalan aja mbaca. Pernah nyelesain buku 280 halaman 4 jam. Pokoknya kalo bisa nyelese in 1 buku itu kayak prestasi, milestone, tersendiri.

Mulai kelas 7, udah agak berkurang. Kenapa? Soalnya, kalo aku mbaca buku, aku ketinggalan berita sekolah, ketinggalan glee, dianggap sombong nggak mau main. Yaaa, akhirnya aku melepaskan ke-kutubuku-anku juga.

Sekarang, kelas 8 semester 2 bulan Februari-Maret, aku jadi kutu buku lagi! Kesambet apa aku ini.

Ketoke, ini semua bermula dari 1 buku itu. BUKU ITU!! Buku 'Dan Hujan Pun Berhenti' (lihat post terdahulu). Yep, semua ini gara-gara Vivi. Bakar Vivi!


Tapi, ketoke jadi kutu buku itu emang kontroversial gimana gitu nggak sih.Ya maksudku, banyak pro-kontra nya. Mari kita lihat.

  • Kamu jadi tau banyak tentang hidup #apaanbanget, tapi bener
  • Bikin ngakak
  • Bikin lebih emosional, menyayangi orang tua, dsb
  • Bisa meng-upgrade skill mengarang
  • Inspirasi nama
  • Mengatasi insomnia, baca buku sebelum tidur
  • Menambah wawasan
  • Berpikiran terbuka
  • Dianggap sombong
  • Socially dead
  • Kalo mau pinjem perpus harus berhadapan dengan Mr. Fendi dulu
  • Dianggap gila, ketawa nangis sendiri
  • Melewatkan acara TV favorit.
  • Minus, harus pake kacamata
Oke kita hitung

PRO: 8

Sesuai hasil survey, menjadi kutu buku ternyata lebih banyak manfaatnya daripada ruginya, jd oke2 aja kan jadi kutu buku. 

Karangan, sebenernya nyesel kenapa jadi kutu buku.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Kalo lagi bosen, ya gini ini

Tau nggak to aku lagi bosen jadi aku curhat di blog. Biasanya aku curhat ke Rana, cuma HPku di bawah, dan aku terlalu males untuk ngambil. Oke jadi ikutin jalannya aja ya....

Budi Budeng

Ini lagu yang paling sering aku sama temen-temenku nyanyiin. Biasanya entar Vivi nyanyi versi aslinya, aku nambahin hip-hop2annya, Desi bagian aneh yang semacam so imah (?) sama clekenter (?). Ini liriknya

Budi budeng
Iwak bandeng
Mlebu weteng
Disogok mubeng-mubeng
Nganggo katok ora sedeng

masih bingung, cari di youtube, paling ada.

Lagu Ngamen

Ini semacam dangdut, genre musik yang paling diabaikan di dunia ini, tapi lebih seru. Nggak tau kenapa pokoknya ini agak seruan. Ini liriknya

Dina iki mujur tenan
Aku ngamen ning njero bi-bis-an
Penumpange longgar tenan
Supire gal-ugalan
Aku tiba jempalikan

Neng pojokan
Arek ayu klambi abang
Cukuran lanang semiran abang
Alise nanggap sepisan
Idepe pasangan
Sayang untu ne batikan
Kopi lambada

Iku ngono ra sepiro, mas
Ibarat aku nduwe konco
Lagake kaya jutawan
Ngalor ngidul nggawa koran
Tiba na gendeng anyaran
Ditabok setan

Iku ngono ra sepiro, mas
Ibrata aku nduwe tangga
Areke ayu temenan
Jarang metu neng embongan
Tibake (PEEP)

Puger galewene
(PEEP) iku julukane
Wedokane lemu-lemu
dioyen ngguya-ngguyu
alamak, dioyen ngguya-ngguyu
alamak, dioyen ngguya-ngguyu

Itu lagunya diulangi 2 kali.

Aku juga mau cerita tentang tugas-tugas guru yang sama. Tau nggak, bahasa Inggris, BSI, Fisika, semuanya suruh bikin video coba! Pasti ada plagiatnya, 2 guru pasti tiru-tiru. Yang pertama ngasih tugas sih si Ipank, jadi Bu'e sama Mr. Tri plagiat! Hayooo, nggak kreatif. Wkwkwkwk.

Hmm, nggak tau kenapa juga, sekarang aku rajin banget buka 9gag. Aku tau itu blognya nerd bgt, tapi kadang-kadang ada yang lucu juga. Pokoknya sekarang aku jadi sering banget buka 9gag. Guess, There's a nerd in everyone.

Aku beneran tambah bodo sekarang! Dan semua ini gara-gara.......Well, kalian taulah. Tanya Sasha/Yessy/ bagian informasi (Wulan, Fina).

Sekarang aku lagi niat-niatnya ngapalin lagu. Astaga, aku bisa tambah bodo lagi, curse you hard-to-remember-songs!

Well, it's me! When I'm bored-_-"

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dan Hujan Pun Berhenti

Dan Hujan Pun Berhenti itu judul buku karya Farida Susanty (pengarangnya mendes banget!). Aku pertama tau buku ini tu dari Vivi. Dia baru beli di Gramedia terus dibawa ke sekolah. Pas dia lagi mbaca, Yurna, master of thievery, nyolong bukunya Vivi terus dibaca. Well, Vivinya nyadar sih, terus ngasih sedikit sinopsisnya. Aku, master of eavesdropping, mendengar sinopsis Vivi dan mulai jb2. Pas Yurna lagi ngerjain soal fisika atau apalah, aku lupa, aku mbaca dikit.

My first impression: "wow"

Dia nulisnya pake gaya tulisanku yang lebih advanced. Bertele-tele, basa-basi dulu baru ceritanya. Ini pertama kalinya aku kagum sama novel Indonesia yang bukan terjemahan. Dia keren banget bisa masukin banyak cerita ke satu buku, satu alur. Cerita tentang keluarga, persahabatan, perasaan kehilangan sahabat, kemunafikan. Oke, aku akui, ada romance nya dikit. Tapi, novel Indonesia mana sih yang nggak ada romance-nya? Let's face the ugly truth: semua novel nggak akan seru tanpa sedikit romance. There, I've spitted it out!

Sebenernya aku pengen banget kasih sinopsisnya, cuma aku bingung mau mulai darimana. Ceritanya terlalu indah untuk diringkas #ngeles. Tapi emang susah diringkas, tanya Vivi.


  • Beli aja bukunya sendiri, buku semahal apa sih
  • Pinjem temen
  • Download dari internet #InternetSahabatKitaSemua
  • Menjalani sisa hidupmu dengan tangis penuh penyesalan tidak membaca buku ini.
Terkesan promosi, maybe

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Perusahaan Maboy

Ini adalah perusahaan imajiner yang dibuat oleh temen-temenku, aku juga sih. Ini semacam perusahaan rahasia (secret corporation) yang bener-bener classified. Jadi aku nggak akan njelasin ini perusahaan apa dan dimana letaknya. Tapi inget yaaaaa, ini hanya imajinasi kita, okeee?

Karena aku basically nggak njelasin apa-apa, jadi aku cuma mau ngasih tau posisi tiap orang:

  • Ms. Maboy (anonymous) : Corporate President (CEO)
  • Sasha : Vice President & Master
  • Yessy : Vice President & Master
  • Yurna : Senior, but still available
  • Alya (me) : Medium (newbie medium, recently got promoted)
  • Desi : Medium
  • Emma : Medium
  • Rana : Beginner/ Intern
  • Fatikah : Beginner/ Intern
  • Rara : Marketing
  • Latika : Marketing
  • Vivi : Souvenir supplier and distributor
  • Shani : Photographer
  • Ajeng : Stylist
  • Wulan : Information & Receptionist
  • Fina : Information & Recpetionist
Proyek terbaru Maboy. co adalah mendirikan berbagai cabang. Kami punya satu di Jogja, sekarang kami sedang melebarkan sayap perusahaan ke Lampung, Bandung, dan bahkan Jerman.

CP: 6875-MABOY

Friday, January 20, 2012


I have this weird feeling deep in my stomach that just so irritating. No, it's not diarrhea. Not mag or other stomach problem either. It's too poetic that makes me want to vomit just by typing it. It feels like having butterflies inside your stomach that keep flapping its wing as hard as it could. And it's been going on this last couple week.

It gets worse when I'm near certain people that I chose to remain nameless. I don't have any conflict with these people or any particular feeling at all. Keep in mind that I'm not into romantic stuff-except for ghostgirl books-so it has nothing romantic, alright? I really have no bad memories and particular liking with these people. But, they do seems not very good to other people. They seems to have the most delicious treat that the butterflies love and dying to eat that treat.

It's quite bothering and also lowed my grades. Please, anyone who know this irritating disease, comment below.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Apologize

I'm sorry I can't write so many post again, because several reasonable reasons
  • School is on! And this time I'm determined to get lots of BMD Awards and really just focused on my school.
  • TONS OF HOMEWORK!!! You couldn't imagine how much burden the teachers gave us as a sophomore =A=
  • Not much to say. There's nothing interesting going on recently so I don't have any idea what to write.
  • No time for OL. The computer is usually booked by my sister, and the laptop is booked by my brother so I was left alone with the plasma TV. The agony...
  • If I do get the computer, I use it very wisely. By wisely, I mean to open Wikipedia and stuff to do my homework.
  • I just too lazy to write, that's all