Thursday, April 26, 2012


Ya, aku mau ngomong tentang umpatan. Aneh emang, tapi aku pingin ngomong tentang ini dulu, oke sayy?

Coba deh sebutin umpatan sebanyak-banyaknya!

Oke, pasti kalian udah dapet paling nggak lebih dari 10 ya nggak? nggak

Sebenernya umpatan tu apaan sih? Beneran aku masih nggak dong. Kalo menurutku sejauh ini umpatan itu kata-kata dengan arti tertentu yang dianggap tabu dan tidak boleh dikatakan dimana pun. Ya bukan? Aku tau kata-kataku mbulet kayak benang bundet tapi coba dong-dongin lah.

Kalo aku sendiri sih menurutku termasuk orang dengan penggunaan umpatan pasif. Maksudku, aku jarang mengumpat. Well, nggak bisa dibilang nggak pernah, aku pernah tapi nggak terlalu "nyeh" gitu. Paling pol-polnya aku cuma ngomong asem, sialan, dodol, sama bodo. Itu kan bukan termasuk umpatan stadium tinggi, jadi menurutku nggakpapa-nggakpapa aja. Yang menurutku termasuk stadium tinggi tu semacam-macam asu, lonte, bitch/son of a bitch, fuck/motherfucker, dsb. Nggak tau kenapa, aku nggak pernah merasa nyaman pake kata-kata umpatan stadium tinggi. Aneh aja rasanya, nggak 'PW'. Apalagi yang pake bahasa Inggris, terkesan sok tau artinya apa aja. Ya aku tau artinya apa, tapi tetep nggak enak.

Tapi gimana kalo aku bilang kata umpatan itu relatif. *Berasa Einstein~*

Maksudku relatif tu ya tergantung cara pake katanya itu. Yaaa, digunakan dalam konteks yang berbeda. Dengan digunakan di konteks yang positif, kata umpatan mungkin jadi terdengar lebih normal.

Asu: Bejo nduwe asu wernane ireng.
Lonte: Pasar kembang kuwi tempat mangkale lonte-lonte.
Bitch: My bitch has just given birth to 5 puppies

Ya, itu contoh-contoh penggunaan kata umpatan dalam konteks yang positif. Jadi, plis eh, aku bener-bener nggak enak rasanya denger orang ngomong umpatan, apalagi orang indonesia yang pake umpatan bahasa Inggris.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Best Place to Have A Quiet Time

If you're my fans, you would know that my mood lately is blue. Though I love the color blue, metaphorically I mean I'm kinda depressed. Don't ask why, because I don't know.

The best place to have a quiet time, the best place to think, to get emotional, to connect to your soul is TOILET!

Toilet, yes, I really do mean toilet. maybe you feel kinda awkward reading this post but that's fine, don't read it.

You can think so many stuff just by sitting on the toilet for quite a time to get that transcending feeling. Toilet really is magical, proven by my personal experience which I refuse to tell you because it get blurred out.

Something I really love doing in the toilet is crying. Crying is somewhat your shame, I mean no one thought crying is good, right? To tell you why, I made up some some lines of poem about it :D

Tears come streaming down your face
Down your red snobby face
Matches your red runny nose
Sobs per 5 seconds
Cry you little baby, cry

So, I ran away
Ran away to this magical land of poop
No, not the shits, the aura of it
The smell of flowery perfume
Cool and damp, perfect
Wet, even more perfect

Why here?
I don't know

Maybe they can't hear me with the flush symphony going on
Maybe they can't see me with the solid wooden door surrounds
Maybe they can't smell me with the flowery perfume atmosphere
Maybe they can't touch me with the wet and damp water around
Disgusted, they say

Tadaaaaa, that's my somewhat-well-written poems about crying in the toilet. You should try it sometimes, it's fun!

Monday, April 16, 2012


Yeah, I want to write about how people used to forgot little things that makes life great. I know, it sounds very girly and childish and just absolute awkwardness B-). But I used to think them in my spare times, especially when I got that wanting to suicide feeling. I'm kinda depressed lately, maybe it best if I just die, right. Oh god, I need chocolate, stats! Well, chocolate helps your body produce endorphin which is a chemical blah, blah, blah. You really don't want to know, right? Here goes nothing

  • Friends  are forgotten treasure that no one knows how important they are. I'm not the forever alone kind of person because I have lots and LOTS of friends. They're the one that's there everywhere, every time. They're there when you're sad, when you're happy, when you're mad, even when you're angry at them. They're not for sale. I mean, friendship is not for sale. You can't buy friendship. They come naturally into your life, just let them in.

  • Family is something everyone love and cherished about. Your parents raised you to be like this right now with their blood and sweat. They give us education at its best. They literally give us life. Without them we'll be nothing. Absolute nothingness. As nothing as a dust on the corner of your room.

  • Love is an abstract concept to grasp as abstract as its importance. This is the most crucial thing as it's the most mushy and girly thing. Without it, we're nothing. It doesn't have to be love over gender like boyfriend or girlfriend. It's just love. That's why I don't want to process this topic any further because it's too abstract. You may love someone not because of his/her appearance, intelligence, or even kindness. Sometimes, it's just love.
So far I can only think of those 3. I know, I didn't write as my usual style. This post is too mushy and you may not think it's me. Believe it, it really is me. It's the other side of me. The mushy, delicate, fragile side as I would like to call the hideous side.

Just thought of those three overnight and you'll change. You'll have more respect and will be more grateful to your life. Life is not that bad, right?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Childrens are Our Future

Ini postingan serius tentang moralitas masyarakat Indonesia.

Jadi gini, tadi aku kan ada kondangan di Graha Sabha. Biasanya kalo kondangan tu orang-orang lebih mendingin makanannya daripada salim-saliman nggak jelas sama pengantennya. Makanannya kondangan yang ini emang epic proportion banget sih. EPIC! Es krimnya tu yang pake mesin terus keluarnya spiral-spiral gitu, kayak es krim McD lah. Ada Crepes dari Villa Crepes. Ada Chicken Sandwich yang jos, enak banget! Zupa soup yang biasanya jadi andalan semua kondangan malah nggak laku, tersaingi sama es krim dll.

Nah, ini bagian nyesek. Jadi aku ngantri Crepes udah lebih dari 15 menit. Lamaaaa banget, mana kalo udah dapet, dapetnya kecil pula. Ya, aku kan masyarakat Indonesia yang taat peraturan dan tidak asal nyelip.Pas aku udah di depan, ada ibu-ibu menor nggilani gitu tau-tau dateng dari belakang masnya yang masak bilang gini,"Mas, minta 3 ya!" Mungkin karena muka ibunya yang garang, mas crepesnya langsung ngasih crepes yang baru hangat dari penggorengan 3. Aku udah panas ini, telinga udah merah semerah-merahnya. Belum puas manasin telingaku, ibu menor itu pake bilang gini pula,"Aku males kalo ngantri e."


Aku muak dengan semua tata krama yang diajarkan orang tua. Apaan mereka, sok-sok paling tau malah yang pertama melanggar peraturan. I know, I know,  bukan merupakan peraturan tertulis 'mengantri' itu. Tapi, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, hormatilah orang yang mengantri duluan! Gini lo, orang tua kan panutan anak-anaknya sedangkan anak-anak adalah generasi masa depan kita dimana masa depan Indonesia bergantung. Jadi, kalo misal masa depan Indonesia ancur, jangan salahin pemerintah/ orang-orang yang menjalankannya, salahkan orang tua! Apalagi orang tua yang ancur kayak ibu-ibu menor itu.

Pesan untuk orang tua, atau orang tuaku sendiri deh kalo misal tau-tau mbaca ini: Jadilah panutan yang baik bagi anak-anak kalian. Karena, anak-anak adalah masa depan bangsa, jadikanlah anak-anak yang memiliki tata krama dan hati nurani untuk berbuat baik.

 Anak berbudi pekerti baik= Masa depan ceran untuk Indonesia