Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Perusahaan Maboy

Ini adalah perusahaan imajiner yang dibuat oleh temen-temenku, aku juga sih. Ini semacam perusahaan rahasia (secret corporation) yang bener-bener classified. Jadi aku nggak akan njelasin ini perusahaan apa dan dimana letaknya. Tapi inget yaaaaa, ini hanya imajinasi kita, okeee?

Karena aku basically nggak njelasin apa-apa, jadi aku cuma mau ngasih tau posisi tiap orang:

  • Ms. Maboy (anonymous) : Corporate President (CEO)
  • Sasha : Vice President & Master
  • Yessy : Vice President & Master
  • Yurna : Senior, but still available
  • Alya (me) : Medium (newbie medium, recently got promoted)
  • Desi : Medium
  • Emma : Medium
  • Rana : Beginner/ Intern
  • Fatikah : Beginner/ Intern
  • Rara : Marketing
  • Latika : Marketing
  • Vivi : Souvenir supplier and distributor
  • Shani : Photographer
  • Ajeng : Stylist
  • Wulan : Information & Receptionist
  • Fina : Information & Recpetionist
Proyek terbaru Maboy. co adalah mendirikan berbagai cabang. Kami punya satu di Jogja, sekarang kami sedang melebarkan sayap perusahaan ke Lampung, Bandung, dan bahkan Jerman.

CP: 6875-MABOY

Friday, January 20, 2012


I have this weird feeling deep in my stomach that just so irritating. No, it's not diarrhea. Not mag or other stomach problem either. It's too poetic that makes me want to vomit just by typing it. It feels like having butterflies inside your stomach that keep flapping its wing as hard as it could. And it's been going on this last couple week.

It gets worse when I'm near certain people that I chose to remain nameless. I don't have any conflict with these people or any particular feeling at all. Keep in mind that I'm not into romantic stuff-except for ghostgirl books-so it has nothing romantic, alright? I really have no bad memories and particular liking with these people. But, they do seems not very good to other people. They seems to have the most delicious treat that the butterflies love and dying to eat that treat.

It's quite bothering and also lowed my grades. Please, anyone who know this irritating disease, comment below.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Apologize

I'm sorry I can't write so many post again, because several reasonable reasons
  • School is on! And this time I'm determined to get lots of BMD Awards and really just focused on my school.
  • TONS OF HOMEWORK!!! You couldn't imagine how much burden the teachers gave us as a sophomore =A=
  • Not much to say. There's nothing interesting going on recently so I don't have any idea what to write.
  • No time for OL. The computer is usually booked by my sister, and the laptop is booked by my brother so I was left alone with the plasma TV. The agony...
  • If I do get the computer, I use it very wisely. By wisely, I mean to open Wikipedia and stuff to do my homework.
  • I just too lazy to write, that's all